

The Tau Mu Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma, the University of Maryland's Honorary Mechanical Engineering Society, honored two faculty members and a teaching assistant during their initiation ceremony on May 10th.

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Elisabeth Smela was awarded the Purple Camshaft Award for her commitment to students. Each year the members of Pi Tau Sigma vote for one professor as the recipient of the award. The professor that receives this award is one whose class is difficult and challenging, yet fair. Because of Smela's demand for superior work, her students felt that they left the class better prepared for their careers as engineers. The award signifies the respect her students have for her as a professor. Professor Smela's name will be engraved on a plaque featuring the honored .

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Peter Sandborn was awarded the Faculty Appreciation Award for his friendliness and commitment to students outside of class. Pi Tau Sigma started this award to recognize professors that they feel have performed above and beyond the high expectations of university professors.

David Morgan was honored as the Spring 2005 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for his commitment to the students of ENME371 and ENME472 . David was presented with a plaque, and his name will be added to a permanent list of outstanding TAs outside the ME office. The award comes with a $500 honorarium. David is advised by Associate Professor Linda Schmidt.

Pi Tau Sigma members are those students who seek to create a closer bond of fellowship with each other and are striving and achieving in the highest ideals of Mechanical Engineering. The faculty advisor is Jungho Kim.

May 15, 2006

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