Imaging technique showing the velocity field within a living embryonic chicken heart. |
The Burgers Program for Fluid Dynamics and the Department of Mechanical Engineering is hosting a tutorial workshop on the theory and application of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in conjunction with the sabbatical visit of Professor Jerry Westerweel. The workshop will take place on May 22 and 23 in the Jeong H. Kim Building Kay Boardroom, Thermofluids Lab, and computer lab. Prof. Westerweel is a pioneer in the development of PIV, and its extension into numerous diverse applications in turbulence, biological and multiphase flow research. In addition, LaVision, Inc., will be participating to provide hands-on experience through laboratory demonstration exercises and use of their processing software.
The tutorial workshop is intended to provide an overview of quantitative image velocimetry methods, with an emphasis on the relevant background theory, examples of ?best practices? techniques, combined with hands-on tutorial experience. In addition, an overview of several specialized PIV applications and recent developments in novel PIV techniques will be presented.
The workshop is intended for both current and future practitioners of PIV with a broad range of background experience. The first day of the workshop will focus on fundamentals of the method, combined with hands-on hardware demonstrations and example calculations. The second day will focus on discussion of more advanced techniques, special applications, and new developments in image velocimetry methods.
The workshop is open to all interested parties and can accommodate up to 40 participants. No registration fee is required, but participants are requested to register in advance to reserve a seat. Admission is based on a first-come, first-serve basis, subject to approval by the workshop organizer to ensure equitable participation across the regional community. To apply, please register online at http://www.enme.umd.edu/events/pivworkshop. For questions and additional information, please conact Ken Kiger at kkiger@umd.edu.
Presentations at the workshop will be given by Jerry Westerweel (TU Delft), Ken Kiger (UMD), Callum Gray (LaVision) and Steve Anderson (LaVision). A tentative schedule for the workshop is given below:
Tuesday, May 22:
9:30 - 11:00 Overview, history, and basic theory
11:00 - 12:00 Best practices I: (seeding, time delay optimization, bias errors, etc.)
12:00 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 - 2:00 Best Practices II: (outlier identification, gradient calculation, spectral estimation)
2:00 - 4:00 Hands-on: lab demos and/or software demos
Wednesday, May 23:
9:30 - 11:45 Combined PIV/PLIF & stereo methods
11:45 - 12:30 Lunch
12:30 - 1:15 Applications : Multiphase Flow
1:15 - 2:30 Applications : Biological System & Micro-PIV
2:30 - 4:00 Recent Developments: Holographic, multi-planar, & tomographic methods, ultrasound
May 9, 2007