The Salzberg Family Foundation has established the Ruth and Sam Salzberg Family Endowment to provide annual scholarships to mechanical engineering students who intend to pursue construction-related engineering--focusing on plumbing, heating and air conditioning, etc.--as a career. Sam Salzberg was a mechanical engineer who established the family business in heating, air conditioning and plumbing.
The fund was established with a commitment of $50,000. The foundation has recently pledged an additional $65,000.
?This scholarship will help meet one of the greatest needs of the Mechanical Engineering Department and enable one of our many highly-qualified students to devote their attention to preparing for a career in the construction industry,? said Avram Bar-Cohen, chair of mechanical engineering.
The first Salzberg Family Scholarship was awarded to Elizabeth Henningsgaard in 2007.
To learn more about the Great Expectations campaign and how you can make a difference through scholarships, please contact us.
January 22, 2008