

S.K. Gupta (ME/ISR) has been promoted to the rank of full professor by University of Maryland President C.D. "Dan" Mote.

Gupta's research interests lie in computer aided design, manufacturing automation, robotics. Manufacturing domains: mechanical assembly, nano manipulation, CNC machining, micro fabrication, injection molding, sheet metal bending, rapid prototyping, and solid freeform fabrication.

Most recently he was part of an interdisciplinary team that won the University of Maryland?s ?Invention of the Year? award in the physical science category. The researchers developed a robot that allows neurosurgeons to dissect brain tumors with minimal disturbance to brain tissue.

Dr. Gupta has won many honors and awards for his research accomplishments. He received the Best Paper Award at the 1994 ASME International Conference on Computers in Engineering, the Best Paper Award at the 1999 ASME Design for Manufacturing Conference, a Young Investigator Award from the Office of Naval Research in 2000, a Robert W. Galvin Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers in 2001, a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation in 2001, the Outstanding Systems Engineering Faculty Award from the Institute for Systems Research in 2001, a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) in 2001, a Highly Commended Paper Award from Literati Club in 2002, and the Best Paper Award at the 2006 ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. He also holds a US Patent titled Apparatus and Method for Multi-Purpose Setup Planning for Sheet Metal Bending Operations.

Dr. Gupta is a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and a senior member of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME).

May 21, 2008

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