
Engineering students Umber Aggarwal and Pratik Agarwal enjoying the picnic. |
The Clark School of Engineering hosted the Annual Engineering Picnic on September 14, in front of Glenn L. Martin Hall. Hot dogs, BBQ chicken sandwiches, salad, and drinks were provided to attending students, faculty and staff. The picnic also featured tables where various student groups, department representatives, and employers were available to field questions and supply information about their organizations. In addition, T-shirts were awarded to students who completed a ?B-I-N-G-O? card by visiting the listed tables.
Theta Tau, the professional engineering fraternity, was one of the student groups present at the picnic. Dave Minor, a representative stated, "This event is great for us, it is one of the few times every year where all types of engineers are all in one place at one time." He continued, "Our whole recruiting base comes from this event, it is the best opportunity each year for our fraternity to grow."
Big name companies such as ATK and Bechtel were present at the picnic as well. A representative explained, "We know that this is a tough time for students, so we at Bechtel want to get the word out about our company." Bechtel is the largest engineering company in the United States, with a net revenue of over $30 billion dollars.
Each of the academic departments within the Clark School also had tables where staff were available answer questions about their respective majors. ME Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies Terry Island commented, "The annual picnic is a great opportunity to describe what ME is all about to undecided engineers."
The Engineering Picnic has become one of the favorite fall events on campus. Teresa Prince Jimenez of the Dean?s Office organizes the annual event with the assistance of engineering staff members and Clark School corporate sponsors.
September 17, 2010