
Kaushik Chatterjee, ME PhD Candidate |
Mechanical Engineering PhD Candidate Kaushik Chatterjee won first prize award in the graduate category of the District of Columbia Council of Engineering and Architectural Societies (DCCEAS) 2011 college student paper competition for his paper titled "A Probabilistic Physics-of-Failure Approach to Prediction of Steam Generator Tube Rupture Frequency." The award was presented to him at the National Engineers Week Awards Banquet on February 26, 2011. The DCCEAS award follows the first prize award he won for the same paper in the graduate category of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) 2010 Student Paper competition. Kaushik is a research assistant in the Center for Risk and Reliability (CRR) and is advised by Professor Mohammad Modarres.
The DCCEAS helps the engineering, architectural, and technically related organizations in the District of Columbia metropolitan area render public service and advance the professions through public interest, scientific, and educational pursuits.
March 15, 2011