

During the robotics segment Mike Hydeck interviews (top) Kit Sczudio of the Robotics@Maryland undergraduate team about Testudo IV, an autonomous underwater vehicle being readied for competition this summer; and (bottom) student Hongyi Xia, a student of Derek Paley, who talks with Hydeck about robots that are able to automatically balance on a see-saw.

During the robotics segment Mike Hydeck interviews (top) Kit Sczudio of the Robotics@Maryland undergraduate team about Testudo IV, an autonomous underwater vehicle being readied for competition this summer; and (bottom) student Hongyi Xia, a student of Derek Paley, who talks with Hydeck about robots that are able to automatically balance on a see-saw.


Channel 9 WUSA (Washington, D.C.) anchor and reporter Mike Hydeck was on campus April 27 to do live remotes promoting Maryland Day for the evening newscast. Students and faculty from the Maryland Robotics Center were on hand during the 5:55 p.m. segment:

? Director S.K. Gupta and his students showcasing a bio-inspired crocodile robot.

? Gil Blankenship and his students with robotic vehicles that can be controlled with an iPhone app and a flute.

? Derek Paley's student with two robots programmed to self-balance on a see-saw.

? An anthropomorphic robotic drummer demonstrated by Nikhil Chopra's students.

? The Robotics@Maryland undergraduate team (advised by Nuno Martins) with their autonomous underwater vehicle.

The robots represented the wide range of research available to undergraduate and graduate students in the Maryland Robotics Center.

| View the "teaser" segment | View the interview |

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