
Graduate student Babak Eslami won first prize at the GRID 2012 (Graduate Research Interaction Day) in the “Novel Technology in the 21st Century” category. Eslami’s winning oral presentation, “Design and Manufacture of Visual Tension Indicating Fasteners” was based on his design of an automated assembly line to manufacture high resolution visual tension indicating fasteners. In order to design this system, Eslami had to conduct experiments and studies on every subsystem, bringing fundamental engineering concepts he learned in class to life. The fasteners are expected to increase the safety and reliability of flanged joints in pressure vessels and other critical components in the energy and transportation industries. By competing in GRID Eslami said he not only improved on his presentation skills, but he also helped gain a wider audience for his work. “By winning GRID, once more I realize the importance of my project in the real world,” Eslami said. His advisor Dr. Chandrasekhar Thamire’s “unfailing support was the driving force for this project.” Eslami plans to continue his studies in mechanical engineering at the university and pursue a doctorate degree once he obtains his master’s degree this summer.
June 8, 2012