
A team led by Dr. Satyandra Gupta won the best paper award at ASME’s Computers and Information in Engineering (CIE) Division Conference in Chicago, held from Aug. 12-15. The paper, titled “Using GPUs for Realtime Prediction of Optical Forces on Microsphere Ensembles,” was the result of four years of research. Gupta and computer science professor Amitabh Varshney supervised research performed by graduate students Sujal Bista and Sager Chowdhury. The team will receive a plaque and $750. This research focuses on speeding up simulations by running them on graphic processing units (GPUs), which are typically used to help render 3D graphics and visual effects for a computer’s central processing unit (CPU). Because GPUs have faster processing speeds than CPUs, GPUs can be used to run faster simulations to examine interactions of micron-sized particles with laser traps. This research could eventually be used to study the health of biological cells and how they interact with each other.
This is not the first best paper award Gupta has received at this conference. He also won CIE best paper awards in 2006 for “A Computational Framework for Point Cloud Construction Using Digital Projection Patterns,” and in 1994 for “Reducing Setup Cost By Automated Generation of Redesign Suggestions.”
For more information on Dr. Gupta’s research visit his faculty profile page.
August 28, 2012