

A dinner and roast honoring the achievements of Professor David Holloway was held the evening of October 30 at the Maryland Golf Club. Members of The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) International, The SAE DC Chapter, and many of Holloway?s students from the past and present were among the 80 people in attendance. The event was coordinated by ME Lecturer Greg Schultz and Scott Schmidt from the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers.

Holloway was integral in elevating the impact of "project-based" learning for Maryland automotive engineering students and undergraduates throughout the country. In the past two decades such project-based learning has become synonymous with excellence in engineering education and has helped propel the ME Department to the top ranks of Mechanical Engineering education in the country. ?We all owe Dave Holloway a great debt of thanks for his unstinting commitment to this non-traditional mode of education and for his success in educating many generations of outstanding Terrapin engineers,? states Professor Avram Bar-Cohen, Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

During the event donations were raised for the Maryland Formula SAE and Mini-baja teams, and a Terps football tailgate party was held before the dinner.

November 15, 2004

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