
2009 ASME Leadership Participants |
Recently, the UMD chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) hosted the 2009 ASME Student Leadership Seminar at the University of Maryland College Park. Held in mid-October, the event was planned and coordinated by the ASME Officer Board for all ASME District A student section leaders and advisors. More than 30 people attended the event, including student leaders from the University of Maryland Baltimore County, Drexel University and the University of Puerto Rico.
Opening the conference was Dr. Balakumar Balachandran, professor and associate chair of mechanical engineering, who gave a gracious welcoming speech. The conference focused on leadership; specifically how to improve membership, productivity, and availability of all ASME student sections. Many brainstorming sessions and lectures were given throughout the event, with speakers including: Stan Halperson, District A Leader; Richard Ulvila, ASME Staff; Mustafa Fofana, District A Student Section Advisor Representative; and Sid Shah, Distinguished Engineering Associate from ExxonMobil Research and Engineering. ASME Student District Operating Board officers, Nathan Taylor and Tony Martinez, also gave compelling talks about becoming involved with ASME National. ASME Faculty Advisor, Dr. Byeng Youn, gave motivational closing remarks.
For students interested in joining ASME, the next general interest meeting will be held on November 18th. For those interested in becoming ASME leaders, there will be a meeting introducing the ASME Future Leaders Program on November 11th.
For more information about the UMD ASME chapter, please visit: www.asme.umd.edu or stop by the ASME lounge at 1107 Glenn L. Martin Hall. Comments or questions may also be sent to: asme.umdchapter@gmail.com.
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