

The University of Maryland?s Terps Racing Team is in the market for new drivers for their Formula SAE team, which concentrates on the development of a small Formula-style race car. According to the President of Terps Racing, Vasco Mateus, the team is in search of 3-4 experienced or talented drivers who are willing to learn and are motivated to attend multiple driving sessions per week (including weekends).

Currently, FSAE has four drivers. These include the team leaders Jessica Golladay and Herman Singh, as well as Michael Stanley and Michael Cook. In addition to driving the FSAE car, Mike Stanley is also a driving instructor with the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) and will therefore be in charge of training new drivers.

Anyone interested in becoming a new driver for the team should visit the Terps Racing Lounge in 1225 JM Patterson Building on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 6-8 pm.

For more information about Terps Racing please visit:

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November 12, 2009

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