

The 10th Symposium of the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) will be held on June 19-24, 2011, at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD. (Detailed information can be found at The Symposium will be held on campus in the Adele H. Stamp Student Union Building; the Department of Fire Protection Engineering (FPE) is responsible for local arrangements.

The Symposium is the premier fire safety science meeting in the world and has been organized triennially since 1985 by the IAFSS. ?We expect more than 400 scientists and engineers at the Symposium,? says Trouvé, ?Attendees will represent the world-class leading edge of fire research.? The Symposium will begin on Sunday afternoon, June 19, with a first series of Workshops and will end mid-day Friday, June 24, with a second series of Workshops. The technical program will also include 6 invited plenary lectures, presentations of more than 110 papers during 3 parallel sessions, and presentations of more than 100 posters during 2 special sessions.

Fire safety science features a vibrant research community that produces tools, ideas and innovations, as well as an educated work-force in the service of the fire protection engineering practice. ?Fire safety science faces several important challenges due to a wide diversity of research topics and a technically and geographically dispersed community,? says Trouvé. ?The International IAFSS Symposium is intended as a response to these challenges and is organized to promote cross-fertilization and cohesion in the fire research community and advancement in the science.?

The Symposium is also providing a unique opportunity to promote the FPE Department through presentations of ongoing fire research activities. The program includes participation and presentations from 8 Faculty members and more than 15 Graduate students from the FPE Department. For more information, visit the Meeting web site.

For more information, contact:

Arnaud Trouvé
Host Committee Chair, 10th IAFSS Symposium
Department of Fire Protection Engineering
University of Maryland
Phone: (301) 405-8209 or

March 23, 2011

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?We expect more than 400 scientists and engineers at the Symposium?

Arnaud Trouvé

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