

Distinguished University Professor Avram Bar-Cohen and alumnus Dr. Peng Wang’s research paper on managing hot spots on microprocessor chips has been a hot topic at ASME’s Journal of Heat Transfer.  Their research paper, "Thermal Management of On-Chip Hot Spots" was among the top 10 downloaded articles in April and May 2012.  The paper debuted at seventh on the list in April, and rose to fourth in May. 

The research paper relies heavily on Wang’s 2007 dissertation at the University of Maryland and ongoing research at the Thermal Packaging of Electronic and Photonic Systems Laboratory (TherPES Lab) about on-chip thermoelectric cooling to reduce on-chip hot spots.  Wang has been the assistant research scientist at the lab since 2009 and has worked with several graduate students throughout the years.  Bar-Cohen, director of TherPES Lab, and Wang have collaborated with companies such as Intel, ITRI, Thermion, Hi-Z Technology, and Nextreme Thermal Solution and are developing novel cooling solutions for thermal management of hot spots on high-performance microprocessors and amplifiers. According to Wang, "On-chip hot spots generate heat fluxes that are several times higher than the chip average, thus producing high local temperatures that can dramatically degrade microprocessor performance and system reliability. For this reason, the development and application of new and novel local cooling techniques has become one of the most significant factors in the design of high-performance electronic systems.."

“This ‘popularity’ brings well deserved attention to the individual graduate students who have passed through TherPES Lab and the quality of their work,” Bar-Cohen said.  Wang said that their paper’s popularity also reflects “that our hot spot cooling concepts and recent research results have attracted considerable interests” in the heat transfer community. 

For more information about Professor Bar-Cohen’s research visit his faculty profile page.


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June 21, 2012

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"This ‘popularity’ brings well deserved attention to the individual graduate students who have passed through TherPES Lab and the quality of their work.”

Dr. Avram Bar-Cohen

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