UMD Energy Innovations Featured Prominently in the News
Energy innovations created by researchers in the University of Maryland Energy Research Center (UMERC) have been featured prominently across a variety of mainstream media outlets, including MIT Technology Review, The Washington Post, NPR, Forbes, WUSA TV 9, and the Baltimore Sun, among others.
The energy technologies featured include innovative fuel cell power generation and a sustainable battery made of wood. The Redox Power Systems Cube, based on technology originally developed by UMERC Director and Professor Eric Wachsman, is run by stacks of solid oxide fuel cells and produces electricity from natural gas to provide low-cost, full-time power, even during violent weather. UMERC faculty researchers Dr. Liangbing Hu (MSE) and Dr. Teng Li (ME) are also working on a sodium-ion wooden battery, which can be used to store renewable energy, such as solar and wind.