The Department of Mechanical Engineering held the Spring Design Day on May 7, 2015 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Kim Engineering Building. This semester, Design Day showcased 28 student teams, all featuring original product prototype designs. A wide range of exhibits including everything from a universal bike attachment for transporting large volumes of water, a hybrid solar lighting system to a man-powered concrete mixer for use in developing nations.
Design Day highlights the talents and creativity of mechanical engineering students in the Integrated Product and Process Development Course. In addition, the event offers an opportunity for regional high school students to visit the campus and experience firsthand what pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering is all about.
This semester, students from Friendship Technology Preparatory Academy came and had an opportunity to engage with students, learn about the projects and get a closer look at the design process.
Teams of senior level students present project prototypes built to solve selected engineering problems, with the top voted team receiving the “People’s Choice Award” and having their names displayed in the Mechanical Engineering undergraduate office.
Visitors cast a total of 180 votes for the “People’s Choice Award,” and the top three student teams were:
FIRST Place:
Arc Product Development, Torch Trucks Team Members: Nouhoun Barry, Chris Cahoon, Jeeven Hugh, and Zak Monin An assembly to assist pipe-fitters by increasing the accuracy of torch cutting procedures.

SECOND Place (Tie):
Team 1 - Clean Pawducts, Paw Perfect Team Members: Prabhath Aluthgama, Parth Kathrotiya, Micaela Larson, Jessica Wiley, and Michelle Wright A device that provides an automated system to clean your dog's paws before the pet enters the house.

Team 2 - Medicinal Remedies, Pill Dispenser Team Members: Brian Avadikian, Di Wu, Zachary Jones, William Campbell, and Inna Lempert A pill dispenser that uses suction and allows users to set medication schedules.

THIRD Place:
Diversity, Shower+ Team Members: Julio Cruz, Daniel Dalgo, Faissal Hariri, Matthew Kerr, and Fadel Muci A smart, eco-friendly shower head that conveniently reduces water consumption.

The Department would also like to thank our tireless guest judges who through their assistance in evaluating each of the student projects, truly made this Design Day a success:
Tim Arnold
George Dieter
Russ Hester
Suyoung Hwang
Caesar Hussain
Charlie Kilmain
Curt Ritter
Chris Straight
Dave Sutton
Todd Wallenstein
Nick Watkins
For a more photos from the day’s events, please visit our department photo album!
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June 1, 2015