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PRG/MRC Robotics and Computer Vision Seminar: Underwater Robotics Underwater Robotics Ioannis Rekleitis Associate Professor Streaming link: https://vid.umd.edu/detsmediasite/Play/7f21bdc4079d49a6a98e8020c3a31dbc1d Abstract In the last few years, robots have moved from the pages of science fiction books into our everyday reality. Currently, robots are utilized in entertainment, scientific exploration, manufacturing, and household maintenance. While the above advances were made possible by recent improvements in sensors, actuators, and computing elements, the research of today is focused on the computational aspects of robotics. In particular, methodologies for utilizing the vast volumes of data that can be generated by a robotic mission, together with techniques that would allow a robot to respond adequately in unforeseeable circumstances are the challenges of tomorrow. This talk presents an overview of algorithmic problems related to marine robotics, with a particular focus on increasing the autonomy of robotic systems in challenging environments. I will talk about vision-based state estimation and mapping of underwater caves. An application of monitoring coral reefs is going to be discussed. I will also talk about several vehicles used at the University of South Carolina such as drifters, underwater, and surface vehicles. In addition, a short overview of current projects will be discussed. The work that I will present has a strong algorithmic flavor, while it is validated in real hardware. Experimental results from several testing campaigns will be presented. Biography Contact: Chahat Deep Singh, chahat@terpmail.umd.edu